phone car accident

Car accidents can be caused by many different factors, including distracted driving. Though it is sometimes impossible for victims to avoid getting into distracted driving collisions, victims can take specific steps to improve their chances of recovering damages.

Before getting into the basics of how to handle a car accident scene due to a distracted driver, it is critical for all motorists to understand the basics of distracted driving. For instance, many people naturally assume that a distracted driver was probably texting or checking emails, and this may be the case. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), each year, 3,000 distracted driving fatalities can be linked to improper cell phone use. However, texting is not the only form of distracted driving. Distracted driving comes in a variety of forms because anything that takes a driver’s focus off the road can be a distraction. Eating and drinking while driving, conversing with passengers, and adjusting navigational devices are all distractions.

Should I Always Seek Medical Care?

Immediately after an accident, a victim should contact emergency services. Calling police and other first responders helps solidify when and where the wreck took place. It will also initiate the creation of a police report, which will be useful later if a victim wishes to pursue a personal injury suit.

Regardless of whether or not a victim feels physically okay after a car accident, the victim should seek medical attention. Often, ambulances will arrive to administer medical attention to injured drivers and passengers on the spot. If a victim refuses to be evaluated and later learns they are injured, the distracted driver’s insurance could try to discredit the victim. Therefore, a victim should at least schedule an appointment with a physician within a day or so after a crash. If the victim is seriously injured, they should keep track of any medical bills, diagnostic information, and related documentation. These items will be helpful for connecting the crash and the injuries.

Though an accident scene can be very confusing, victims who can take pictures and videos should make it a priority to construct a visual record of what happened.

When Should a Victim Call a Lawyer?

Even accidents that seem minor can become tough to settle with insurance providers. Insurance companies want to keep as much money in-house as possible. Adjusters recognize that victims are often distracted and flummoxed by the experience of trying to recover damages. This is why some insurance providers either deny claims or offer settlements worth far less than the victim has to pay to fully recover.

In general, any seriously or significantly injured victim of a distracted driver car accident should seek out advice from a legal professional before submitting a claim. Taking this pragmatic approach improves the likelihood of receiving a fair settlement offer.

Monmouth County Car Accident Lawyers at the Falcon Law Firm, LLC Help Distracted Driving Crash Victims Recover Fair Settlements

Did you get into a serious crash with a distracted driver? Before submitting an insurance claim, call one of our Monmouth County car accident lawyers at the Falcon Law Firm, LLC. Call us at 732-454-3306 or contact us online for a free consultation.